It is interesting to note that not one problem from negative side effects has ever been reported in any published CES study. None of the patients has raided the fridge during the night and gained weight. None has complained of grogginess the next day. None has...
CES Ultra Blog

The Rationale for the Use of CES in a Wellness Program
Many medical experts say that stress is a major cause of illness in the modern world. Some estimate that as much as 90% of illness is caused by stress, and all agree that stress, if present in an ill person, can only make the problem worse. For example, the perception...

Is It True That Certain Foods Worsen Anxiety and Others Have a Calming Effect?
Coping with anxiety can be a challenge and often requires making lifestyle changes. There aren't any diet changes that can cure anxiety, but watching what you eat may help. Try these steps: Eat a breakfast that includes some protein. Eating protein at breakfast can...
The Use of CES in the Maintenance of Health and Wellbeing
Following the initial research in the U.S., several units began to be sold for clinical use before the 1976 Amendment gave the FDA control over medical devices. The Amendment gave the FDA power to determine the safety and effectiveness of medical devices prior to...