
What is Stress?

When your body encounters stress, virtually all systems and organs- your heart, blood vessels, immune system, lungs, digestive system, sensory organs, and your brain are engaged to meet what is perceived as a threat. All systems are go.

Stress originates from a variety of sources: high pressure work, long-term relationship problems, poor self-esteem, loneliness, or persistent financial worries. It can also result from such varied events as the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, or a change in job or lifestyle.

As a positive force, stress can cause us to grow, redefine ourselves, and serve as an incentive to take action. But negatively, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, depression, and worse.

The Toll of Stress

Left unchecked, stress is a killer. As reported in Newsweek, “A whole new body of research shows the damage stress wreaks on the body: not just heart disease and ulcers, but loss of memory, diminished immune function, and even a particular type of obesity. Stress is ubiquitous. A 1996 survey found that almost 75% of Americans have ‘great stress’ one day a week with one out of three indicating they feel this way more than twice a week.”

Stress affects you at home, in your relationships, and at work. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work reported that over half the 550 million working days lost annually in the United States from absenteeism are stress related.

The New York Times reported that workplace stress costs the nation more than $300 billion each year in health care and missed work. 65% of workers said that workplace stress had caused difficulties and more than 10% described these as having major effects.

Studies further suggest that the inability to adapt to stress often leads to the onset of anxiety, and insomnia. In one study, two-thirds of subjects who experienced a stressful situation had nearly six times the risk of developing depression within that month. Further evidence suggests that repeated release of stress hormone produces hyperactivity and disrupts normal levels of serotonin, the nerve chemical that is critical for feelings of well-being. Certainly, on a more obvious level, stress diminishes the quality of life by reducing feelings of pleasure and accomplishment and threatening relationships.

Stress Reduction

A myriad of approaches are presently available for the management and reduction of stress. There are cognitive learning skills, learned through counseling, or using cassette tapes or CDs of various kinds, including music therapy. As these skills take effect in the cognitive centers of the brain, the entire body gradually responds.

Other therapies focus more directly on the body. They include such modalities as muscle balancers and toners, massage, flotation tanks, and the like. In these therapies, the body responds directly, and the neurotransmitters of the brain respond gradually.

The most popular approach, however, is altering brain chemistry through the use of pharmaceuticals. It is not without its problems however, including negative side effects and cost.

Stress and CES

CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) is a simple noninvasive approach to stress management. It employs mild battery-powered electrical stimulation through clip-on electrodes attached to the earlobes or pre-gelled electrodes placed behind the ears. Current flow is limited so that the most a user will experience during the process is a slight tingling sensation. CES gently adds energy back to all parts of the brain, helping return you to the optimum state in effect before stressors were activated.

CES’s most immediate impact is reduction of anxiety. For most, it is experienced in the course of treatment; for others, hours, or several days after. CES leaves you feeling both relaxed and alert. The effect differs from pharmaceutical treatments in that people report feeling their bodies as lighter and more relaxed and their mind more alert and clear. Results are cumulative and lasting.

The CES Ultra is the most advanced CES instrument currently available. For those suffering from anxiety, it means relief with none of the unpleasant side effects of prescription drugs. For those seeking nothing more than a good night’s sleep, it is an alternative to habit-forming tranquilizers. For a public increasingly concerned with the effects of stress on physical health and emotional well-being, it provides a way of addressing that stress in a safe and effective manner.

Contact us today to find out more about how the CES Ultra can reduce the stress in your life and help you once more operate at peak efficiency.

Buy CES Ultra Cranial Electrotherapy

Read What Others Are Saying About the CES Ultra

“I work in a high-stress environment. My job has thrown my body-clock totally out of whack. I hadn’t been able to get a good solid night’s sleep for many months. I don’t believe in taking sleeping pills, so when a friend recommended that I try the CES Ultra, I was eager to do so. After only a few times using it while watching TV, I noticed the effect almost immediately. It began to restore my sleep patterns back to normal…”

~ Susan K.

“Thanks to the CES Ultra, I’ve recently been able to wean myself off of SSRI medication. I’m so glad to have found CES. It’s unbelievable how much better it works than medication. It just amazes me that the public isn’t really aware of these devices and their effectiveness… What I wouldn’t give to have had one of these about 15 years ago; if I’d only known. Thanks for making a great product.”

~ Alan M.

CES Case Studies

The following are some of the many case studies that have been reported to us by mental health counselors, psychologists, MDs, substance-abuse counselors, and others. (For the sake of privacy, identities are withheld.)