What is CES?
CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) term for the employment of small amounts of gentle electrical stimulation for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia.
Research over the last few decades has helped professionals better understand the connection between brain function, neurotransmitters, and electrical stimulation. We have learned that the electrical activity in your brain controls the neurochemicals which regulate your moods, emotions, sleep, and cognition.
Stress causes that electrical activity to not function properly. This in turn results in the neurochemicals falling out of balance. By indirectly stimulating brain tissue in the hypothalamic area, CES causes the brain to restore the various neurochemicals back to pre-stress homeostasis, resulting in a peaceful, centered, and efficient state of being.
CES is both safe and effective. Published literature on the subject does not report any negative effects or major contraindications from its use. Most people experience results within just a few days. The relaxed-but-alert state usually remains for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few sessions. CES can be used as much or as often as you desire.
Now you too can achieve a state of relaxation, peace of mind, and restful sleep, without resorting to drugs.
Research in the last few decades has helped professionals better understand the connection between brain function, neurotransmitters, and electrical stimulation. We have learned that the electrical activity in your brain controls the neurochemicals which regulate your moods, emotions, sleep, and cognition. Stress causes that electrical activity to not function properly. This in turn results in the neurochemicals falling out of balance. By indirectly stimulating brain tissue in the hypothalamic area, CES causes the brain to restore the various neurochemicals back to pre-stress homeostasis, resulting in a peaceful, centered, and efficient state of being.
CES is both safe and effective. Published literature on the subject does not report any negative effects or major contraindications from its use. Most people experience results within just a few days. The relaxed-but-alert state usually remains for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few sessions. CES can be used as much or as often an you desire.
What is the CES Ultra?
The CES Ultra is a portable cranial electrotherapy device that employs small currents of electricity for the treatment of stress and stress-related disorders, including anxiety, and insomnia.
The CES Ultra Kit
There are several components which make up the CES ultra kit.
The base unit and all its accessories fit into the attractive, convenient carrying case.
Here’s What You Receive When You Order the CES Ultra:
- Base unit
- Carrying case
- 2 lead wires
- Package of pre-gelled woven electrodes
- Pair of zero-resistant ear clips
- .5 oz water bottle (for wetting ear clips)
- 9 V battery
- Operating manual
Safe and Effective
CES therapy has an extensive history. It has been in use since the 1950s and is well-researched for its effectiveness.
Contact us today to learn more about how much better you can feel with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation by the well-researched CES Ultra medical device.

CES is the doorway to good health. It works as an important adjunct in programs invoking nutrients, hormones, and medications. Its multiplicity of health benefits include: induction of relaxation response; exertion of control over frontal lobe behavior and modulating hormone levels…When amino acid supplementation is coupled with CES therapy, this combination is a potentially potent therapeutic regimen for anti-aging.
CES Ultra: Features

CES therapy is simple and easy. The CES Ultra is the most user-friendly CES device on the market. Enjoy the gentle massage-like action and pleasant tingling sensation. You have one-touch control of the unit at all times.
- Simple to operate
- Automatic shut-off
- Push-button timer: 30, 45 and continuous
- Single-control setting
- Comfortable ear-clips or pre-gelled electrodes
- Rugged construction
- Fitted carrying case
- Compact portability for hand-held use or carrying in a pocket
- Low-battery indicator
- Uses a standard 9-volt battery