CES Ultra Technical Specifications
The Most Commonly Used Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the U.S. Features:
- Frequency: 100 Hz (100 pulses per second)
- Power source: 9 V alkaline battery
- Wave shape: Modified square wave
- Amplitude: Adjustable from 0-1.5 mA (milliamps)
- Pulse duration: 2 milliseconds (20% duty cycle)
- Current intensity: up to 1 mA (milliamp)
Physical Specifications:
- Base unit weight: 4.5 oz
- Base unit dimensions: 4.25 in x 2.5 in x 1.0 in
- Carrying case dimensions: 8.25 in x 7.0 in x 1.75 in
- Lead wire length: 3.5 ft

Using The CES Ultra

CES therapy is simple and easy. The CES Ultra is the most user-friendly CES device on the market. Enjoy the gentle massage-like action and pleasant tingling sensation. You have one-touch control of the unit at all times.
- Simple to operate
- Automatic shut-off
- Push-button timer: 30, 45 and continuous
- Single-control setting
- Comfortable ear-clips or pre-gelled electrodes
- Rugged construction
- Fitted carrying case
- Compact portability for hand-held use or carrying in a pocket
- Low-battery indicator
- Uses a standard 9-volt battery