CES has an excellent safety record. Published literature in the U.S. and abroad, reports virtually no negative side effects or major contraindications from its use. The National Research Council has deemed CES to be “a non-significant risk modality.”

Because the only source of current for CES Ultra is a common nine-volt battery, its intensity is limited to 1.5 milliamps – what you would use to operate a small toy or penlight. Even the unit&##9;s maximum intensity has been shown to be safe.

Are There Any Contraindications or Side Effects?

Hundreds of CES units have been and are used in hospitals and clinics, and thousands have been in use by patients in their homes for more than 38 years. No major side effect has been noted or called in to physicians or the FDA from units similar to the CES Ultra device. There are no known contraindications for use of CES.

There are, however, circumstances in which its safety has not been tested. CES should not be used without on-going clinical supervision by severe depressives, epileptics, those known to be pregnant, or by individuals with implanted electronic devices such as cardiac pacemakers or insulin pumps.

The induced relaxation response resulting from use of CES does not in any way impair reaction time. It is recommended, however, that CES not be used while operating dangerous or complex equipment or while driving. Less than three percent of CES users report a slight headache. This is usually alleviated by simply turning down the current. If the headache recurs during ordinary use, cease using the unit and consult with your healthcare provider.

In 1976 the U.S. National Research Council studied CES at FDA’s request. They determined that no significant risk could be involved in putting such small amounts of current through the head, even over time.

As with the use of any medical device, the physician/licensed practitioner should be informed of any medication or neurotransmitter blockers the patient is taking as well as the employment of cardiac pacemakers or other electronic devices as mentioned above. CES is not a substitute for professional counseling, meditation, or constructive relationships. Used in conjunction with those efforts, CES assists you in attaining a balanced emotional state.

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