Magora, Florella, Beller, A., Aladjemoff, L., Magora, A., and Tannenbaum, J. Observations on electrically induced sleep in man. British Journal of Anesthesiology. 37:480 491, 1965.

Device: 100 Hz, 10 – 100 Hz, 1 – 10 mS, 0.4 – 5 mA, square pulses, cathodes over orbits or forehead, anodes over mastoids

The authors were studying CES to determine what it took to put a patient to sleep. They varied hertz, amplitude, pulse width and the like, performing 65 experiments. The subjects were healthy volunteers, 5 females and 10 males with ages ranging from 30 – 45 years, 2 pts with Parkinson’s disease (a 62 year old female and a 82 year old male), and 1 male, 65, with dystonia musculorum. All subjects were advised to refrain from taking any drugs 12 hours prior to the experiments. In a group of 7 healthy subjects, the 2 pts with Parkinson’s, and the 1 with dystonia musculorum, sleep did occur in most of the experiments as measured by objective criteria (respiration, EEG, EMG). An unexpected finding was that the involuntary movements in the pts with Parkinson’s and dystonia musculorum were changed in character during the passage of current, and eventually completely eliminated, as evidenced by clinical and EMG observations. Sleep was not induced in a second group of 13 healthy individuals, although in 7 a definite change was obvious consisting of lack of blinking, preference for eyes closed, passiveness, and disruption of the idea pattern obvious in conversation. On questioning, after the current was discontinued, these subjects had no evaluation of the lapsed time and stressed that while the current was on they felt detached from their surroundings and had an agreeable feeling throughout the experiment. No ill effects were observed after repeated experiments in the same and different individuals.More CES Research –