Smart Glasses for the Visually Impaired

If you’ve ever been to any of the invisible exhibition series, you already got a limited impression how difficult it is to navigate through the world if you cannot see your surroundings. Aira is eager to help everyone who has problems with vision. Using a pair of smart glasses or a phone camera, the system allows an Aira “agent” to see what the blind person sees in real-time, and then talk them through whatever situation they’re in. It would be a bit easier crossing a busy street, shopping for dinner or finding the light switch. You could even help the company by becoming their agent! Stunning technology!

How a Blind Person uses Google Glass and AIRA Technology to Explore

Most of the registered blind people are able to perceive light and movement a little, but there is no additional auxiliary equipment.

Now researchers at Oxford University in England are developing a set of sophisticated glasses that use cameras and software to detect objects and display them on eyeglasses. The team recently received the Brian Mercer Award for Innovation from the Royal Science Society, � 50,000 in size and is going to invest this money in improving points.

Here’s how smart glasses work: two small cameras installed in the corners of glasses capture different images, just like human eyes do. The relative distance between the cameras shows how far the object is from the user.

The headphones receive the text and translate it into speech to set the direction or just read out loud. The glasses are also equipped with a compass, GPS and gyroscope, a device that responds to changing angles in the orientation of the glasses.

In the United Kingdom, where studies are being conducted, more than 2 million people have visual impairment and more than 300,000 are registered as blind, due to diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

In the future, researchers hope to develop software that provides a wide range of different functions, since the testers say it would be very useful.

For example, that the glasses used the brightness levels, showing the depth. So that they can detect the presence of a person on the basis of his movement. In addition, to ensure that the glasses are able to locate the bus or read its number, and also dictate the direction using GPS through the headphones.