Relaxing Studying Music, Brain Power, Focus Concentration Music

Relaxing Studying Music, Brain Power, Focus Concentration Music is ideal background music to help you to study, concentrate, focus and work more effectively. It helps you study, focus and relax before that big test or exam.

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In 1995, scientists at the University of California discovered an effect called the “Mozart effect”. It consisted in the fact that students who passed the IQ test for spatial thinking coped with the task better if during the experiment they listened to Mozart’s musical compositions. To improve the results by 8-9 points, it was necessary to listen to the melody (sonata K.488) for 10-15 minutes. For comparison, this same group of students, consisting of 36 people, was allowed to listen to trance and minimal music, audiobooks and relaxation teams, but the effect of increasing intellectual abilities was not observed. Conducting the IQ test in silence also did not demonstrate any improvement in performance.

To test the amazing results on improving the brain activity that Moza’s music demonstrated, the experiment was decided to expand.

Mozart’s Effect

In the next five-day study of the increase in mental activity with the help of music, 79 students were involved. Stimulation was carried out in three groups:

  • the first listened to Mozart’s music,
  • the second – mixed – various musical selections (including the classical repertoire),
  • the third – passed the test in silence.

The highest percentage that improves the initial statistics was demonstrated in the first group: + 62%. The lowest is in the second: + 11%. Among the students who passed the test in silence, the improvement of the results was demonstrated by 14% of the tested.

It was suggested that Mozart’s compositions became a kind of key to uncovering “higher brain functions” that increase brain activity. However, the “Mozart effect” was also noted during observations of animals, plants and microbes:

  • 700 cows, which the Spanish farmer regularly included in a concert for a flute with a harp in 2007, gave 25% more milk than the “control group” of cows. At the same time, the French monks from Brittany, who included animals with different musical classics, discovered the superiority of experiments in raising milk production and found that cows prefer Mozart.
  • In 1973, in the laboratory of biotronic control, student Dorothy Retallac conducted an experiment with plants, giving them a variety of musical directions for 3 hours a day. From rock, plants “turned away”, many died. With Mozart, Bach, Jazz and Sita-especially Indian melodies sounding with the sounds of a sitar (multi-stringed instrument), the plants revived, turning around in the direction of the speaker. Indifferent they left the songs in the style of country.
  • In 2010, at the Berlin sewage plant, bacteria that consumed biomass included excerpts from The Magic Flute. The opera was transmitted using a special system from the company Mundus, which accurately reproduced the sounds of the concert hall. A year later, when the experiment was considered almost failed, it became clear that the activity of “listening” to Mozart bacteria was higher by 17%, which saved the plant 10 thousand euros for waste disposal.

The fact that Mozart — a music for improving memory and intellectual abilities, again started talking after the experiment with rats in a labyrinth, held at the University of Wisconsin. There, the embryos of animals were allowed to listen to melodies first in the womb, and then – and within 2 months after birth. All the subjects then passed the labyrinth faster than the brethren kept in silence or to the music of F. Glass (the minimalist composer). Moreover, the more rats listened to Mozart, the less mistakes were made in solving problems, and they demonstrated the increased intellectual level more vividly.


According to researchers at 4 universities: quiet music, with other things being equal, almost does not affect thinking, medium and loud music contributes to abstract thinking, but loud sound complicates the processing of information, the average sound volume is ideal for creative thinking and memorization.